[intro, chiptune, again]

[verse 1]

I was magic Dark Elf, with a heavy sword
I am so talented with words
I was level 46, ready to defeat
The Dark Master, he wants to destroy the world
I found kind of a team, with a white Wizard,
A Human, and a Goblin

[verse 2]
And in the haunted black woods, we found a clue
A crow said what we have to do
We farmed(1) until we reached level 82
The Wizard learnt lot spells and so I did

[verse 3]
But the game had to stop before we kill the boss
Everyone left my home...
Because they all have girlfriends
Who calls for sleep, or sex
And let me here, all alone


We travel to defeat the Dark Master
All around the world
We know thousands people
Died by his hands
It's why we need to kill the Lord

[ending chorus]
I think the Dark Master will live longer
All around the world
It's hard to be, here all alone
The magic Dark Elf has only his sword...

(1) Alors, dans un RPG, "farmer" c'est faire des combats, souvent contre des ennemis faibles, jusqu'à obtenir assez d'experience, assez de niveau pour tuer un boss plus gros. Grosso modo